Friday, December 09, 2005

Democratic Party Cracking Up

It has been an amazing week for the Dems, first they try to "mop up" the Murtha "Call for immediate troop withdrawal," then they have to alienate Sen. Joe Lieberman for his comments supporting the current course of the war, now we have Dem. Chairman Howard Dean and Sen. John Kerry claiming that we can't win the war and that our troops are terrorizing Iraqi women and children in the night. What is with these guys?

It is bad enough that they don't support the war effort, but to make up stuff to scare the American public and demoralize the troops is just plain unconscionable. Go to to see the Howard Dean video.

As a former Democrat, it is sad for me to see this once proud party degenerating into the cesspool it has become. All they want is power, at any cost, even at the cost of the lives of U.S. soldiers. All they do is complain and criticize, they have no positive message, they have no plan and they have no solutions.

If you listen to the network and cable media, you would think that they've got it all together and are ready to take over in '06, but at the rate they're going, all I can see is them losing seats. They are a joke.


Blogger Phillybits said...

"All they want is power...."

Funny phrase to relate to Democrats considering the latest story about the NSA domestic spying operation Bush was trying to bend around the law.

Even better now is the NYT's story that discusses how defense lawyers for terror suspects may now decide to start challenging some of the charges against their clients.

So in an effort to curb the law and curb privacy rights in an effort to thwart terror, Bush may have actually given a new, more powerful weapon to suspected terrorists in custody and on trial.

Two great kickers from the article:


Lawyers said they were also considering a civil case against the president, saying that Mr. Faris was the target of an illegal wiretap ordered by Mr. Bush.


"If I'm a defense attorney," one prosecutor said, "the first thing I'm going to say in court is, 'This was an illegal wiretap.' "

Can you say mistrial?

Regardless, I still expect you to blame liberals, democrats, the media (like...the NYT), and all those other Volvo-driving, tofu-eating, abortion-getting, non-god-believing, East Coast elitists who commit war on Christmas, push for gay marriage, demoralize the troops, support the terrorists, love Osama (where is he, btw?), etc.

Open your eyes, turn off Faux News, and stop listening to O'Reilly and Coulter (conservative hate-mongers #1 & #2) spout the same GOP talking points that they get from, right to you.

It is not a balanced breakfast.

8:48 PM  

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