Thursday, May 18, 2006

Bullshit Rampant

I had to take a break. I was politically burned out. I stoppped blogging, chatting, watching the evening news, reading the front page and surfing the net. A few weeks ago I resumed watching the news and surfing the net only to find that it seems that my party(GOP) is just as burned out as I was.

They won the Presidency, the Senate and the House with my help and the help of millions of like minded voters. But it seems that since they won, they have lost. The no longer seem to represent the conservative values that I staunchly believe in and they govern like they were still the minority party.

They allow the media to dictate the national conversation as well as define them. As soon as tough issues come up, they are running for cover to "ensure" re-election bids and political funding. Even GW has lost his way. He has so far removed himself from the grassroots that he has alienated himself and fractured the party instead of leading and galvinizing the electorate by reflecting the will of the people.

It is one thing to stand on principle, but taking stands on issues that are completely contrary to each other is pathetic and demonstrates that the leadership really does hold us in contempt. This is not a liberal\conservative or republican\democrat slam because I have been a member of both parties, this is a D.C. vs America issue.

Right now I am disappointed and feel betrayed regarding many issues at many levels. On Iraq, Illegal Immigration, Media Manipulation and Bias, Energy, Taxes, etc. It may start in DC, but this bullshit runs rampant all the way down to local levels.

I do however refuse to give up on Conservatism, but a new way must be found to find proper and true representation in our government. I will seek that way and God willing, find it. Power corrupts even the best and blinds them as well, it is unfortunate that we, as a nation, do not have a shared vision of where this country should be going, the word "sell-out" keeps coming to mind.

History is full of examples of failed societies, republics and empires and unfortunately we seem doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. Perhaps I have been naive to place my trust in a political system that is consumed by the desire of power over the well-being of the governed. Well, maybe so, but that changes today.

As of today I am no longer Republican nor Democrat, I am strictly American. An American in search of the true America, where focus groups and special interests don't hold sway. Where reason and providence rule the day.

I will still pray for GW and our leaders, all of them, but as of today my support is for the U.S. and not for any particular party. God bless you all and may God bless the United States of America.


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