Thursday, December 07, 2006

Can We Talk?

I suppose that we will be asking Iran and Syria to help us solve the Iraqi insurgency problem. Perhaps we could all pray to Mohommed to resurrect Hitler, Caligula and Lenin to help as well. This all falls under the bbkd "What a crock of shit" section.

What in the hell could we talk to them about? They both would love nothing more than to see the U.S. wiped off the face of the Earth. Shit, they won't even adhere to past and present negotiated agreements regarding the Israeli-Palestinian issue, i.e. nuclear programs, sponsoring Hezbollah, screwing up Lebanon. These people are committed to the destruction of western democracy and civilization and the nuts in this country want to give them a pass.

Damn, it is so easy to see how they have packaged up their fear of these people into diplomatic appeasement. Instead of pulling out troops, we should commit to victory and send in a ton more troops and begin the carnage necessary to defeat these people. We have thus far gone to war with kid gloves, trying to be nice, save innocent lives, refrain from needless casualties, etc.

WE ARE AT WAR! It is not supposed to be clean and neat. We are supposed to win!


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