Friday, April 29, 2005

The Real Story

The Los Angeles Times ran an article on Friday, April 29, 2005, tagged "Governor Praises Border Patrols" by Times staff writers Peter Nicholas and Robert Salladay which covered comments made by Governor Arnold Schwarznegger regarding the Minuteman Project. In it the Governator stressed how the Federal Govt. is not upholding its duty to secure the borders of our nation and how it took ordinary citizens to bring some real attention to the problem of illegal immigrants just walking into the U.S. unchecked.

The Real Story is that the writers of this article wrote no less than 16 paragraphs touting the opposition views to the Governor's remarks and only 1 in support of them. Needless to say, them majority of the opposition did have Hispanic surnames, duh!

This one article speaks volumes about media bias and the intent to bring down a Governor that they can't beat at the ballot box.

Go Minutemen!

Ya gotta be kiddin me! Posted by Hello

Los Angeles, Mexico????

Well it is really no secret, as a native Californian, born in L.A., I and millions of other city inhabitants have known this for years, but no one in "power" would acknowledge it. Mexico is slowly reclaiming California as they have planned for many years. How long til succession? Check out the full story of this purported billboard at

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Bush Promotes Social Security

As tired as I was this afternoon, I manged to stay awake for the press conference. I was happy to see that the President is moving forward with Social Security reform, but I was dismayed by the "sage" analysisof the so-called pundits afterwards. They did point out one thing, on PBS, that I thought was right on the money: The tone of the questions by the press were focused on the negative events of the day. Duh! No surprise there.

The left-wing press corps is a joke. They bear the President a grudging respect even after he won the second election. There is none of the giggling or quirky retorts that they were so fond of during Slick Willies term in office. Hell, they don't even smile anymore during their post conference analysis unless it is at W's expense. Its a shame that they are all so obvious in their disdain for the President, no wonder no one watches network news anymore.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

State of the Union

The culture war, Dems vs. Republicans, liberal vs. conservatives, doves vs. neo-cons, secularists vs. evangelicals, environmentalists vs. big business, tax & spend vs. spend & tax, gay vs. straight, legal vs. illegal, pro-choice vs. pro-life, red-states vs. blue-states, smokers vs. non-smokers, embryonic stem-cells vs. adult stem-cells, haves vs. have-nots, original constitutionalists vs. living constitutionalists.........(I could go on, but I am exhausted).

Division is clearly the state of our union and two presidential elections have not determined a clear majority nor mandate in the struggle for dominance in the arena of ideas. However, regardless of how one may feel about the election of 2000, the Republican party has twice gained the seat of power in the U.S. Yet, even with control of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches, the Republicans continue to operate as if they are the minority party.

In the past, Democrats, even with slight majorities manhandled the Republican party and regularly put them in their place. Honestly, Republicans do not know how to govern as a majority.....sad but true, and their own electorate is becoming increasingly frustrated with their inability to get anything done. (Just as the Dems planned! Wait til '08!)

The trash and burn tactics of the Dems will only continue and the Republicans, unable to fight back, will once again become the minority, afterwhich we can kiss restraint and God goodbye in Amerika.


God Bless America

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