Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Hurricane Katrina Devastates Gulf Coast

As you all know by now, the Gulf coast states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama have been utterly devastated by the powerful hurricane Katrina. I just wanted to send out my deepest sympathies to those who lost loved ones and to those who have been displaced and lost all. God bless you.

At this time of such great loss, we must all come together as a nation and support our fellow citizens. Go right now and make a cash contribution at the American Red Cross website: Thanks

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Cut And Run? I don't think so...

In their effort to to bring further embarrassment to the U.S., aside from their hilarious antics, the so-called "anti-war protesters" are still insisting on the immediate withdrawl of U.S. troops from Iraq. After another week of cable news debates, newspaper debates and coffee shop debates, they still don't get it.

They can't see that a premature U.S. withdrawl(no pun intended) would be not only the dumbest thing that we can do, but even suggesting it should be catalogued as criminal. We hold the fate of the people of Iraq in our hands. Our troops are the only thing standing between those people and Islamic fundamentalists who would love nothing more than to intimidate and kill their way into power.

Yet, I believe, deep down, that the far left knows this, I believe that these calls are just inflammatory rhetoric designed to inflame the passion of middle-of-the-roaders and fence-sitters. They know full well that even if a left wing liberal was elected as president tomorrow that no troops would be coming home soon.

This just all comes down to them hating G.W. They still haven't gotten over the 2000 & 2004 elections. So they do all they can to try and embarras the nation and Bush at every opportunity. Forget supporting the troops, they just give lip service to that fact, basely evident when they say that they don't support the mission.

Well it looks like the left is not winning hearts and minds on this one, conservative groups and military family groups have combined to take the left-wingers to task in Crawford. They have formed a caravan beginning in San Francisco destined for a support for the president rally in Crawford. This should play out well, but I won't underestimate the libs, they are going to be in-your-face and potentially violent once the two sides confront one another.

The media has raised Cindy Sheehan to poster-child status without consulting other parents who have also lost children in Iraq. This is because the media knows that G.W. enjoys the support of the majority of these parents. So in the best interest of the U.S. and in the memory of the fine soldiers who have laid down thier lives for the mission, the strategy in Iraq will continue. Cut and run? I don't think so.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Cindy Sheehan, Photo courtesy of the Drudge Report Posted by Picasa

Here's Your Sign

Cindy Sheehan, the campgirl protester who is parked outside of the Waco Whitehouse had a field day with the media and her son, whowas killed in Iraq, God rest his soul, must be turning over in his grave. Draudge reports today that she was "unleashed."

"CINDY UNLEASHED: 'THE BIGGEST TERRORIST IN THE WORLD IS GEORGE W. BUSH'Wed Aug 17 2005 21:51:56 ET"We are not waging a war on terror in this country. We’re waging a war of terror. The biggest terrorist in the world is George W. Bush!" So declared Cindy Sheehan earlier this year during a rally at San Francisco State University. Sheehan, who is demanding a second meeting with Bush, stated: "We are waging a nuclear war in Iraq right now. That country is contaminated. It will be contaminated for practically eternity now." Sheehan unleashed a foul-mouth tirade on April 27, 2005: "They’re a bunch of fucking hypocrites! And we need to, we just need to rise up..." Sheehan said of the Bush administration. "If George Bush believes his rhetoric and his bullshit, that this is a war for freedom and democracy, that he is spreading freedom and democracy, does he think every person he kills makes Iraq more free?" "The whole world is damaged. Our humanity is damaged. If he thinks that it’s so important for Iraq to have a U.S.-imposed sense of freedom and democracy, then he needs to sign up his two little party-animal girls. They need to go to this war." "We want our country back and, if we have to impeach everybody from George Bush down to the person who picks up dog shit in Washington, we will impeach all those people."

Well we all have our own means of greiving our dead and loved ones who have fallen. I am not opposed to her right to protest, but will someone PLEASE sit her down and explain to her why the U.S. is committed to a Free Iraq and why we can't just pull out our troops and leave them in chaos?

Why is this war on terror and the war in Iraq so difficult for some people to understand. In my discussion with friends and family, even those who agree with the war, they do not understand the why of the war and I don't have time at the moment to spell it out AGAIN.

What is hard to believe are the reasons the oppositon gives for us being in the war...oil, revenge on Saddam for trying to kill Bush Sr., legacy, oil, money, Bush is a cowboy, oil, Bush is just stupid, power hungry, tyrant, OIL, OIL, and OIL! Just look at Cindy Sheehan's remark "We are waging a nuclear war in Iraq right now." Has Cindy been to Iraq? Does she have connections that we just don't know about? Idiocy just continues to run rampant in the trailer parks!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

I told You So.....

I reported it here just days ago and here it is! I told you that according to the RNC the third leg of the Democratic strategy to derail the Supreme Court nomination of John Roberts was to request unreasonable amounts of documents from the White House, even after they already provided over sixty thousand pages! According to an AP story posted on the FOX website (Documents Request Central to Roberts Disputes-,2933,165349,00.html), the Democrats have already begun the process in earnest.

More to follow.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Even the Local Media Gets it Wrong

On Thursday, August 11, 2005, in Carlsbad, California, there was an open community forum on the issue of illegal-immigration and its effects on society. Along with the anti-immigration attendees, there was also a a gathering of immigration advocates attending in opposition. The event came off very peaceful, but with the expected trading of barbs between both factions.

The kicker is that every story I have found on it slants it a different way. I submit for your consideration an article from a local San Diego newspaper, "Illegal Immigration forum draws hundreds" and a story posted on a local San Diego radio stations website, "SOME OBSERVATIONS"

Both give the slant, but I tend to believe the radio station, because this stuff was broadcast in its entirety over the airwaves. Decide for yourself.


Hot Extra! From the website of the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ) Jay Sekulow, their Chief Counsel wrote today:

'In another misguided attempt to ''smear'' this worthy candidate, NARAL: Pro-Choice America is running a national ad campaign on television and radio that claims Judge Roberts advocates violent abortion protests because of his involvement in a certain abortion-related case (Bray v. Alexandria Women's Health Clinic).
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
The very case in question is one that I argued twice before the Supreme Court on behalf of the pro-life demonstrators, and John Roberts argued on behalf of the United States in support of our legal position. I know what happened. I know what didn't. And today, I am writing to SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT!
Please read and then forward this message to your entire address book ... America needs to know the TRUTH.
The NARAL: Pro-Choice America ad is an outrageous distortion of the facts.
The claim: In the Bray case, John Roberts argued in defense of a violent protester who bombed a clinic ''seven years ago.''
The truth: The protests that were the subject of the Bray case were nonviolent sit-ins, reminiscent of the sit-ins of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. The activities that led up to the case were not violent activities at all. In fact, the protests took place in the late 1980s and early 1990s, almost ten years before a clinic bombing in Birmingham, Alabama. Eric Rudolph was recently convicted of that offense, which had absolutely NOTHING to do with the demonstrators involved in the Bray case. We had nothing to do with any acts of violence on any abortion clinics.
John Roberts and I argued before the Supreme Court (not once, but twice) that the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 did not apply to nonviolent protestors because opposition to abortion did not constitute discrimination against women. We won our case both times with a 6-3 vote. In fact, the Court went out of its way to say that to put a pro-life protestor in the same category as a racist was, in Justice Scalia's own words, ''ridiculous.''
NARAL: Pro-Choice America's ad is a complete fabrication ... a compilation of random facts that have been cleverly edited but have nothing to do with Judge Roberts or me." (

Wow, how is that for a SLAP in the face NARAL? How do you live with yourselves? How can you wake up each morning and lie so blatantly? Is the gain worth the price of your own credibility? You must all lead lonely pathetic lives, because people like you can't possibly have friends. The truth will set you free, not the Supreme Court!

Democrat Attack Strategy

Well, it looks as if the Democrats lose again. They tried to get some traction against Judge Roberts with a NARAL TV ad campaign, but all they got was public backlash. So next comes the eternal requests from Democrats for more documentation frim the White House. Read this excerpt from Ken Mehlman of the RNC:

"As soon as Justice Sandra Day O'Connor announced her retirement, Democrats busily constructed what they hoped would be a successful strategy to defeat any nominee put forth by President Bush. On July 3rd, The Washington Post uncovered the Democrat strategy of a three-pronged plan-of-attack against any potential nominee.
Part one of the Democrats' plan was to claim they weren't sufficiently consulted by the President. However, after the President's unprecedented consultation with over 70 senators, including two-thirds of the Democrat caucus, Senate Majority Whip Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said on the floor of the Senate, "that dog won't hunt."

The second part of the Democrats' strategy is to cast Judge Roberts as an extremist. The false and outrageous ad run by NARAL is an indication of how far the left is willing to go to make this second strategy work. The fact that NARAL had to pull their own ads off the air because so many Americans deemed them untruthful and offensive illustrates how the Democrats' strategy to paint Judge Roberts as an extremist has completely collapsed.
The third prong is the Democrats' latest effort to request endless amounts of documents in an attempt to drag out the confirmation process. In the history of the Supreme Court, no nominee put forward by a Democrat President has ever been asked to produce documents that would jeopardize the Department of Justice's ability to defend the legal interests of the U.S. Government and the American people. Moreover, the Bush Administration is already providing the U.S. Senate with over 60,000 pages of documents for review.

As the confirmation process moves forward, politically motivated Democrats will become increasingly frustrated as more and more Americans become aware of Judge Roberts' clear qualifications for the job. If the NARAL ad is any indication, there may be no end to the lengths they will go in attempting to smear a good man."

Obviously the Republicans are quite aware of the Democrat strategy, but what are they going to do about it? In my opinion they need to take off the gloves and railroad this guy through the process, afterall, they ARE the MAJORITY.
Unfortunately my friends, Republicans will never take the gloves off, they will always adhere to a moral sense of nobility that clearly is not respected by Democrats. They need to understand that they will never ever have any kind of effect on the Democrat conscience, that is, you can't shame them into submission. Sometimes, if you want to catch a big fish you gotta get in the water.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Cartoon courtesy of Paul Novak-
 Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A Crock of Shit

Why is it that when a Lib opens their mouth shit spews out? Hilary Clinton happened to spew some shit in Houston and forgot to wipe. Read her crap at: Afterwhich, think about she on the same planet? She talks about Bush working to dismantle the New Deal era programs, which they should be since they are now the Old Deal policies. She also talks about the irreparable harm and damage that Bush is doing to the U.S. overall. What a load of Crap! Geez! Someone pass the bottle!

Look! Unemployment is seriously low, home ownership is at an all time high, interest rates, even compared to 15 years ago, are still incredibly low and we spend more on children and education now than we ever have in the history of this nation! Is she hitting the crack pipe?!!!!!!!!!! Damn, she and all of her Lib buddies think that the American public is dumber than a box of rocks, fortunately the real dummies are generally on her side!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Harry Belafonte Calls Black Republicans 'Tyrants' -- 08/08/2005

Its really funny! If you are black and a part of the Bush Administration then you are a tyrant. Geez, the sad part is that many Black Americans will believe this nonsense. Read it here: Harry Belafonte Calls Black Republicans 'Tyrants' -- 08/08/2005

From - Politics - High Court Disrespects Congress, Senator Tells Roberts

The battle is heating up and a Republican finallt tosses a shot back....Check it out! - Politics - High Court Disrespects Congress, Senator Tells Roberts

Thursday, August 04, 2005

What Does It Take to be a Liberal?

Geez, I spent some time this evening perusing some liberal blogs. After only a few minutes I felt like throwing up and after a half hour I felt like ending it all. Wow, I can't believe that I used to be affiliated with such ideologues and kooks. Ah....the stupidity of youth (yeah, that goes for you libs who refuse to grow up!) It is like they have a superiority stick stuck up their ass. So I finally came up with a few requirements for being a Liberal:

1. Admit that you know everything.....even when you don't.

2. You must believe every study to come out of an Ivy League school. (They are never wrong!)

3. Devoid yourself of rational thought! Emotion rules all!

4. Say anything enough times and it must be true! (Even govt. conspiracy theories!)

5. Tell yourself every morning, three times real loud "The press is not Liberal!" (See #4)

6. Have no core principles, you must remain flexible. (Try wearing no underwear, it must feel the same.)

7. If you can't win an argument with reason, start screaming and drowning everyone else out.

8. Remember: A lie isn't a lie unless the press says "it" is.

9. You must believe that a loan to another nation doesn't really have to be paid back.

10. You must be able to claim to be a spiritual person and forcefully state that God is whatever you want him to be.

Okay enough for now, I think this will be a regular feature here in the land of hysterics because after noting these simle ten things I realized that I could write a book on the subject. Heaven forbid! Geez! I am whipped! Thinking like a Lib takes too much energy. Well I'm gonna go bed now, gonna get up early and clean my guns, abuse my wife and harrass some homosexuals, all by noon! Then its off to a Bush for King rally at the Mustang! Ciao!

Find me on MySpace and be my friend!