Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Chicago White Sox Win!

Congrats got to the White Sox after an 88 year exercise in futility, they finally won the World Series. (A good lesson for Libertarians) Nice job guys. Enjoy!

Lets Make Friends?

I found this on Drudge "Wipe Israel from map", says Iran’s president. By Gareth Smyth in TehranPublished: October 26 2005 21:26. (Read it: So this is what we should cow tow too? These are the type of people that we should be trying to understand?

The President of Iran went on to say "Anybody who recognises Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation’s fury.”

I don't mean to preach hate against Islam, but it seems to me that the majority of the leaders of this religion are haters themselves. They hate Israel, they hate western civilization, America in particular, they hate you and they hate me.

Now you can give arguments that we bring it on ourselves, but long before the war in Iraq began, these extremists were blowing up civilians worldwide. Furthermore, they have never indicated how peace may be achieved except through violence and genocide.

Wouldn't it be nice that those who opposing the war putting just as much passion into coming up with practical solutions for defeating or nullifying this kind of hate?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Elitism At Its Finest

I decided to continue the previous debate "They Still Don't Get It" October 7, 2005, here so that you can see for yourself the level of intelligence that we must confront on a daily basis.

The following is the response to my response.

"Noing said...

You really haven't addressed my point about the Mark Chapman analogy, and I really don't think much of your response which sounded like you blindly regurgitated one of Fox News' weaker news reports.

I'm loth to respond to you at all as you're clearly one of the flag-waving patriots who believes everything Dubya's speechwriters feed you, so I suspect I'm wasting my time, but however...

(a) If you're genuinely concerned about 9/11, or preventing another similar attack, presumably you'd have an interest in seeing Al Qaeda weakened.Time and time again, Bush's policies have added fuel to the fire and now Al Qaeda are stronger than ever and will continue to grow as long as the US romp around the Middle East pretending they're playing a shoot em' up computer game. Now the CIA believes Iraq will provide even more recruits to Al Qaeda than Afghanistan did in the 1980s-90s. They've also been gained a strong political foothold in a country where they has little or no influence prior to the US invasion.So, if anything, Al Qaeda are grateful to Dubya and company for their political influence and thousands of new recruits - none of which they could possibly have gained without Dubya's policies.Al Qaeda have now successfully crossed the threshold from being a radical fringe group, to a strong, tactile and almost mainstream organisation - all in ways that they couldn't possibly have engineered on their own.

(b) Though the "they're all evil and want to destroy our freedom" rhetoric might be convenient to your cause, it's incredibly simplistic and could only be believed by a Bush supporter who watches Fox News (get yourself a copy of Outfoxed and then tell me it's a credible source of information).People don't just blow themselves up because of Al Qaeda propaganda, but because they combine and reconcile the propaganda with what they actually see on the ground - a superpower romping around various countries blowing up everything and everyone in sight, *including* civilians who are just as innocent as the people who died in the Twin Towers. The only difference being that far, far, more innocent Muslims have been killed.The solution doesn't lie in terrorism of course, but US activity in Iraq has greatly helped Al Qaeda to convince a small but significant minority of Muslims that it is a just course of action.

(b) Al Qaeda are stronger than ever as a result of Dubya's policies. There were few Iraqis involved in Al Quaeda prior to the US invasion, but now thousands of Iraqi Sunni Muslims are signing up, combined with the continuous flow of fresh foreign recruits who feel the US invasion of Iraq has made Bin Laden & co appear to have been right all along.

(c) You're naive to think Iraq has anything to do with fighting terrorism. It was clear to just about every worthy political commentator and intelligence agency that invading Iraq could only make the problem worse, but still Bush and his cohorts persisted. Why? Because the war was more to do with gaining oil and influence in the region, with the added bonus that the situation also provided some nice kickbacks for companies close to the administration.

(d) I still maintain that anyone who believes God speaks to them and advises them in person is clearly insane, whether they're Osama Bin Laden, Mark Chapman, or George W. Bush.

(e) Iraq wouldn't be the first democracy in the Islamic world and I'm shocked you think it is. I'll let you do your own research on this one, as it just might lead you to reading a book or two on the subject.

(f) My solution would be to fight the terrorists without killing thousands of innocent civilians, without causing bitterly sectarian civil wars and without strengthening Al Qaeda.Tactics which favoured brains over brawn would help to achieve these objectives. If Bush had put the same billions spent on the war in Iraq into intelligence gathering, infiltration and even shooting of individual terrorists, the US would be in a far stronger and safer position than it is today.

(g) There is no rule that suggests freedom has to be paid for in blood, and the only people who propagate such myths are those who have an interest in motivating thousands of young men and women to sacrifice their lives in the name of "freedom". When in fact their lives have been cruelly squandered on behalf of a small clique of vested interests. Poor sods. "
6:51 AM

First, I just want to say "Thanks" to Noing for just being who he is and for just taking the time to respond to my comments. I sincerely believe that he is still suffering from the Elitist hogwash taught in most American Liberal Plantations...the universities.

Now to say that Al Qaeda is now stronger than ever is clearly a matter of who is doing the reporting/ For every report of Al Qaeda being strengthened, I can find you one for substantial victory against them, that is culturally, economically and militarily. But I think the proof is in the pudding, they have yet to make a successful attack here on U.S. soil since 9/11. If they have gathered in Iraq, then I would call that a suuccessful victory as well since we can fight them there. I make no apologies for this because we accomplish two things 1. Secure a democratic Iraq and 2. We keep you and your family safe from attack while shopping at the local Wal-Mart.

Yes, to say that "They're all evil and want to destroy our freedom" is very simplistic, why do you insist on making it so complicated? I know the reality lies somewhere in the middle and that is still too dangerous to allow to go unchecked. Not all Muslims hate America, but a great portion of them do dislike us and maybe with good reason, but the level of violence used to bring this dislike to the fore is totally unnacceptable. I truly believe that if the Islamic community refuses to condemn the terrorist activities against innocent civilians, Christian, Muslim and Jew, then they are just as culpable and are actually condoning such acts. Furthermore, just because a nutty group of individuals gets together and believes that they are fighting for a just cause, it doesn't mean that we give them a pass. No way! Hell No!

I believe that the War for Oil theory and for multinational profits is shallow and actually unworthy of consideration and discussion. That is, allow me to use your own words, way too simplistic. Hell, we could go and take over every oil producing country on the planet, but it would not do a bit of good since, thanks to evnironmentalist tree huggers, we haven't built a new oil refinery in over thirty years and are now at max production as it is.

If the good lord decides to speak to someone, who are you to determine that such a person is insane? He clearly doesn't speak to you since you obviously don't believe in him. But on the day of judgement I can assure you that you will be one of the first in line begging for forgiveness. Just because you don't believe doesn't make it untrue.

No research is necessary for Islamic democracies, I know far too well that Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia and Afghanistan are democracies. But establishing one so close to the heart of radical Islam is a key goal in the war on terror. The people in the surrounding countries, i.e. Syria and Iran, will be able to see first hand that freedom is preferable to the human condition than despotism and fundamentalism.

Your solution for fighting terrorism with intelligence and assassination is still flawed. Israel, under differesnt government administrations has tried to do just that and failed miserably. If not for the U.S. keeping them on a short leash, both Syria and Lebanon would likely be less of a thereat than they have been over the last twenty years. Thank goodness Lebanon has recognized the benefit of self governance and started kicking out Syrian troublemakers. This also was likely due to the U.S. invasion of Iraq, because with the American forces near their borders, Syria couldn't afford to be distracted by the events happening to their assets in Lebanon and decided to beef up their own forces along the border in case of U.S. invasion of their country. Didn't even consider that one didja?

Finally, if you can review history and find any incidents where the rulong class just turned over power to the people, by all means, please enlighten me. Freedom has always had a cost of blood and to believe otherwise is a pipedream. History has taught us this. We can aspire to improve on the lessons learned, but when you are dealing with third world medieval mentalities, the likelihood of applying new concepts is a stretch because they still believe in "an eye for an eye."

Oh, by the way, I hear that FOXNews is a very good news network, as a matter of fact I believe that i read that they are the No.1 cable news network on planet. I wouldn't know since I refuse to buy cable...I just don't have the time. But if you think that this is just FOX regurgitation, I suggest that you get in a car and just travel America, to the places where real people live. Not the phoney baloney, hip hop, MTV watching crowds who are searching for thier identities well beyond menopause.

Friday, October 07, 2005

They Still Don't Get It

The following is a posting from a liberal blogger and the response I posted on his site:

"It's Official: Bush Is A Nutter

George W. Bush and John Lennon's murderer, Mark Chapman, have a lot in common. Both say they were ordered by God Himself to kill innocent people. In Chapman's case, he was asked to murder a rock star; whereas in Dubya's he was ordered to use the full might of the world's most powerful military force against a country already crippled by dictatorship and sanctions. So why is Mark Chapman locked up after 20 years in prison while Bush is still allowed to romp around causing havoc?
Bush "God Asked Me To Butcher Iraqis By The Bucketload" Story is to be found all over the Internet, but we loved the Guardian Newsblog's comments section, to be found here."

My response:

"Damn, do you have long-term memory loss? Let me refresh your memory: On 9-11-01, members of Al Quaeda, a radical Islamic terrorist organization, flew commercial passenger planes into New York's World Trade Towers killing nearly 4000 people in the worst attack on U.S. soil in U.S. history.
Now if you are too ignorant to recognize the strategy that W has instituted to fight worldwide terrorism by now, then you never will.
We needed a battlefield to fight an enemy that has no borders. Now of course we know that all of Al Quaeda's memebrs are not in Iraq fighting, but a lot of them are. This makes for an opportunity to eliminate a good number of the more violent Islamic radicals and at the same time prove and demonstrate that democracy can be established in the Islamic world and succeed.
It will not come without bloodshed and violence. Freedom must be paid for.
We tried sticking our heads in the sand prior to WWI and WWII and wound up fighting the two biggest wars in history. We cannot afford to do that with an enemy who hates us just for being who we are. If we pulled out troops today, the terrorism would not stop. These people are damned and determined to make the entire world an Islamic state, according to them we are all infidels.
There is no negotiating with these people, they hate us, plain and simple and it is not just because of our capitalistic system, nor because of our pluaralistic faith. If they were to succeed Christians, Jews, moderate Muslims and yes, even Athiests, would be put to death.
So you really need to get a grip on the reality of just who and what we are dealing with. You can take all the shots you want at W, but you have to give him credit, he is doing everything he can to protect the citizens of this country from these murderers. (See Israel)
If you think that he is such a NUTTER, lets hear your solutions. Get out here on the web!Hell, if I agree with you, I'll make you President."

Thursday, October 06, 2005

U.S. Immigration Strategy Posted by Picasa


I just finished reading an article in the Washington Post, "Report Warns Democrats Not to Tilt Too Far Left," by Thomas B. EdsallWashington Post Staff WriterFriday, October 7, 2005. After picking myself up off the floor, I carefully pondered the significance this article should have on the Democratic establishment.

I actually think that the writer is on to something and definitely on the right track when he cites two Democratic analysts, William A. Galston and Elaine C. Kamarck, on how the Democratic party should proceed in the future to begin winning the hearts and minds of the American electorate and begin winning elections.

Galston and Kamrack came up with the following:

· They warn against overreliance on a strategy of solving political problems by "reframing" the language by which they present their ideas, as advocated by linguist George Lakoff of the University of California at Berkeley: "The best rhetoric will fail if the public rejects the substance of a candidate's agenda or entertains doubts about his integrity."
· They say liberals who count on rising numbers of Hispanic voters fail to recognize the growing strength of the GOP among Hispanics, as well as the growing weakness of Democrats with white Catholics and married women.
· They contend that Democrats who hope the party's relative advantages on health care and education can vault them back to power "fail the test of political reality in the post-9/11 world." Security issues have become "threshold" questions for many voters, and cultural issues have become "a prism of candidates' individual character and family life," Galston and Kamarck argue.

Furthermore, they acknowledge that the Republican base is larger than the Democrats.

So why am I laughing?

I am laughing because, if someone went and gave the Democratic party a real formula to win elections, they couldn't adhere to it. They are their own worst enemy. Their biggest problem is that they think with their hearts and not with their minds, or rather, emotion over reason. This tends to get most individuals in trouble and most Americans recognize that when Democrats hit the stumps sniveling, getting angry and generally losing their minds, i.e. Al gore & Howard Dean, they come off as weak-kneed cowards who can only call toppositionion nasty names and are devoid of any real solutions.

Galston and Kamrack go on to encourage the Democratic party to clone the Clinton strategies for winning elections. But I say that even this won't wobecauseuse Clinton won in 92 because the Republican base was split, a la Perot, and won in 96 only because the Republican base was not energized to turn out to vote for Bob Dole. Thus, Clinton's fortunes were due not to political superiority but more due to being in the right position at the right time.

So if the Dems all begin to move to the center, mark my words, they can't stand success and will quickly revert to the degenerate platforms that have kept them out of power for the last five years, actually 20 since they haven't controlled Congress in those years. Abortion, gun-control, spineless foreign policies are losing issues.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Technical Difficulties

Well, after three weeks of being without my computer, I am back. We had a serious power surge and it fried my processor, so I had to rig up my old computer. It isn't very fast nor as powerful as the one that bit the dust, but it will get the job done til I get a new one.

Have lots to talk about and will get to it over the next few days.

Find me on MySpace and be my friend!