Thursday, June 30, 2005

Schwarznegger Losing Ground Fast

According to the latest polls, no one in California likes the way the Governator is governing. Polls show that most Californians don't want him re-elected, nor do they support his initiative drive to change the face of California government.

Californians are so fickle, this is exactly what Arnold said he was going to do. If the Legislature refused to work with him to initiatiate reform policies, he said he would take the issues directly to the people. He got elected on that promise. Now Californians are saying that they are not interested in another initiative election......go figure.

Special interest groups, including the Cal Teachers Union and the Nurses Union, have gotten together to villify Arnold on the airwaves. Not an hour goes by on TV where you don't see an ad that claims that the Governor has either "borrowed" or "stolen" 2 billion dollars from the education budget.

Obviously these ads have been effective, largely because Arnold isn't fighting back the way he campaigned. Rumors of him making concessions to these same groups disappoint his base and his refusal to aggressively repond to the claims of his opponents effectively has lost him the confidence of the common voter.

Arnold's biggest problem is that he lost his message and his momentum. Something happened along the way and his advisors have been giving him the wrong advice. Arnold needs to just be Arnold, to be bold and "in your face" with his opponents, that is what the Californian electorate will respect. He needs to champion the illegal immigration issue like we, his supporters, thought he would, especially in light of the fact that once elected, he killed the Illegal Immigrat Driver's License bill presented by then Gov. Gray "Out" Davis.

If Arnold dosen't find himself soon, he himself may be the subject of a recall initiative. He is just like most Republicans, they talk a good game, but once elected, they stop talking. What good is a bully pulpit if you don't use it?

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

In For The Long Haul

President Bush gave a speech from Fort Bragg, N.C. addressing the fears of the American public regarding the war in Iraq. Fears that have only been fed by news networks that still refuse to report on any positive events coming out of Iraq. They subtly drop words like quagmire, Viet-Nam like and bogged-down, thus creating the impression that there is no forward progress by American forces and strategies in the conflict.

Lawmakers on both sides have been getting nervous over the results of recent polls that indicate that the American people are getting tired of the war. Thus, they have called for various actions, i.e. immediate withdrawl of troops, the development of a clear exit strategy, the deployment of more troops and many other wishy-washy contradictctory actions.

Immediately after the speech, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-CA(doh!) admonished the President for his many references to the attacks on September 11. 2001. She said the many references just showed the weakness of his arguments and that the President failed to deliver on specifics for a clear strategy.

News netwoeks are reporting that Iraqis are saying that the President's speech only made things worse and that the U.S. troop presence is unwelcome. However, there were no names of any Iraqi leaders attached to these claims.

The Left is so full of crap, it is hard to figure how anyone can support their claims with a straight face, But I know it is because they rely on the ill-informed, the dumb and dumberers and the haters of their party to espouse their lines and lack of reason and logic. Once again, they attempt to get to the emotion of a problem without thinking.

I guess we all heard what we wanted to hear, or not to here in the Left's case. I heard a plan that really needed no further specific rhetoric.. I heard a speech that inspired my confidence and trust in the President and our military strategists.

What it came down to for me was this, the President said "Setting an artificial timetable would send the wrong message to the Iraqis — who need to know that America will not leave before the job is done. It would send the wrong message to our troops — who need to know that we are serious about completing the mission they are risking their lives to achieve. And it would send the wrong message to the enemy — who would know that all they have to do is to wait us out. We will stay in Iraq as long as we are needed — and not a day longer."

Furthermore, as for his references to 9/11, isn't that what this is all about? We needed a battlefield for the war on terror and now we have A LOT of terrorist gathered in one place where we can engage them while making a once despotic country free. Moreover, these same terrorists are not busy trying to blow themselves up here in the U.S.

So this, to me, is a win/win strategy. If we don't have Iraq, we have no way of taking the fight to the terrorists.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Cartoon Courtesy of Mohammad Al-Rayies, The Arab News, Saudi Arabia
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Saturday, June 18, 2005

Liberal Media Fails to Report

Another version by the Associated press of the previous story was found plastered all over the FOX News website and I found small references of it on CNN and the BBC. True to form, ABC, CBS and MSNBC failed to even note the story on their websites.

I find it incredible that major news outlets in the U.S. consistently refuse to acknowledge the truth of their bias in their reporting, when the evidence of it is plain as day. If the story was about a few hundred thousand pro-gay protesters, the story would have been at the top of their list to report. They continually bombard us with news about how progressive Europe is, but rarely on the conservative platforms that thrive in Europe as they do here in the U.S.

They fear the opposition and any rational discussion on the various social issues, while picking and choosing stories that advance their agendas. Should they ever report an oppostional story, I can assure you that they will label them as extremist and out of the mainstream.

When will they learn that the mainstream is largely silent, who feel that they don't have anyone out there speaking for them or telling the truth because the news outlets are in direct oppostion to them?

Thousands Protest In Spain. Photo Courtesy FOX News\Associated Press. Posted by Hello

Spaniards Protest Gay-Marriage Legislation

Thousands of people have taken to the streets of Madrid to protests against government moves to legalise marriage for same sex couples.
The protest is being led by Roman Catholic bishops and members of the conservative opposition Popular Party.
Over 500 buses were laid on to ferry people to Madrid, along with special flights from the Canary Islands and Spanish areas in Morocco.
In April the lower house voted for gay couples to marry and adopt children.
Sweeping changes
The Vatican condemned the bill, which if also passed by the Spanish Senate, will make Spain the first European country to allow homosexuals to marry and to adopt children.
The head of the Vatican's Pontifical Council on the Family, Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, denounced the legislation as profoundly iniquitous.
When Socialist Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero took office over a year ago, he made it clear he intended to remove what he called the Church's undeniable advantages and make Spain a secular state.
Mr Zapatero has indicated that he also intends to streamline divorce law and even to relax the conditions placed on abortion.
Opinion polls suggest that a majority of Spaniards support the gay marriage and adoption bill.
However, the move has met resistance in the predominantly Roman Catholic nation, with several Spanish mayors saying that they will refuse to marry same sex couples if the bill becomes law.
The march has been organised by the Spanish Forum for the Family (FEF), a lay Catholic group, whose slogan for the march is "The family is important. For the right to have a mother and father. For liberty".
Gay and lesbian groups are staging their own counter protest a short distance from the march to voice their support for the bill.
Story from BBC NEWS.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The Senate Apologizes for Lynchings(Yawn)

Well to further ease their consciences for the past mistakes of others, the Senate has apologized for all past lynchings due to their failure to pass laws banning them. Incredible. It is remarkable how the current U.S. government has been made effectively liable for the acts of men long past dead. Apparently, all it takes is for someone to write a book that makes a few Senators feel guilty for the sins of others and you get an apology. See "Senate Apologizes for Not Passing Anti-Lynching Laws,,2933,159348,00.html."

I think it is too little too late and the apology of non-participants diminishes the horror of what happened to thousands of victims, it is too easy. Maybe the Senate should have gotten Sen. Robert Byrd, D-WVa, to apologize, since he was there when all of this was happening and was part of the segregationist/racist machinery that was behind many of these acts....Geez, how can any Black American be a Democrat when they have yet to apologize for their racist acts since the Civil War?

Friday, June 10, 2005

Photo courtesy of FOX News. Posted by Hello


Well it looks like Howard Dean, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, needs help! If he puts his foot in his mouth one more time, he is going to choke on it!

This week he has continued with his disparging and hate-filled remarks regarding the Republican party. Someone turned a camera on and he lost it, saying "The Republicans are not very friendly to different kinds of people. They're a pretty monolithic party. They all behave the same, and they all look the same. It's pretty much a white Christian party." Furthermore, he refused to apologize to any he may have offended and indicated that he would keep on speaking what he views as the truth about the Republican. This is the same guy who represents a party that is continually crying and complaining that we need to be more tolerant and inclusive while not offending others!

I think Howard not only exposes himself as false, but the entire Democratic party that has yet to condemn his antagonistic rhetoric. They don't want tolerance nor inclusion, they just want power.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers R-Michigan Courtesy of Posted by Hello

MoveOn.Org Moves Wrong....Again

What is in a name? Apparently nothing if you are MoveOn.Org who organized a protest of U.S. Rep Mike Rogers R-Mich on June 1. According to, 20 protesters gathered outside of the Rep.s' office to draw attention to his ties to the beleagered House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. They cited money($5000) given by Rogers to DeLay's defense fund. The only problem is that they had the wrong Mike Rogers, it appears there is another Mike Rogers R-Ala, who actually made the contribution. Read more...

Both Rogers did receive campaign donations from DeLay's PAC, so MoveOn leaders and supporters said the protest was still O.K. (sigh)

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Courtesy of Rex Babin, California -- The Sacramento Bee
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Who Reads It Anyway?

With the LA Times readership at an all time low, I have been wondering who reads the filthy rag anyway. Apparently it is young maleables who don't know any better and think that because it is the "most respected" paper in the California southland that it must be the "must read."

After reading "College Students Don't Want Governor To Speak At Graduation ( I come to the conclusion that they must be reading the Times because it is at the forefront of leading the push of misinformation regarding Governor Schwarznegger's policies.

I don't know how an additional $436 million dollars for community colleges makes them less accessible. Call me stupid.

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