Sunday, May 29, 2005

Photo Courtesy of Jeff Parker, Florida Today
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Memorial Day - Thank You

This evening I saw the mother of one of the fallen soldiers from the Irq War declare "How can anyone support George Bush and company in the senseless killing?" I thought about that for a moment, moved by her loss until the vision of two towers in New York City on 9/11 came to mind.

I want to express my deepest sympathy to that mother, but I think that she dishonorsher son's memory by making that statement. It amazes me that very few people seem to be able to comrehend that the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan and the war on terror are one in the same. When the President says that our soldiers are over ther in Iraq defending freedom, he means that they are fighting the terrorists in thier land, the Middle East, not just Iraq, so that our people remain safe here in America.

If our soldiers were not "over there" the we would most like be suffering from terrorist attacks here. Taking the war to them forced the terrorists to redirest their resources to "defending" their own bases of operations, where they operate freely among many peace loving people.

Unfortunately, defending freedom and protecting the average American here in the U.S. means that our military must engage the terrorists in a foreign land and that means sending many of our best and brightest to certain death. However, as the protected, we must trust and support our govt. and our troops. Thus, it is our duty to become educated on the whys and wherefores of the goals that are of national security.

Since 9/11, there has not been a single terrorist incident on American soil, so the President must be doing something right. I don't need to defend the President, the record speaks for itself. I am certain that each soldier who has given his life didn't think that the war is "senseless." The majority of those currently serving understand the gravity of their mission and would gladly give the ultimate sacrifice to ensure the safety of their people.

Memorial Day is a day to reflect on the precious losses we have endured throughout our history and to honor their memory, but it is also a day for all of us to examine what our freedom and safety are worth. Believe me they aren't cheap. So to that mother I saw this evening...thank you, thank you, thank you for such a brave soldier.

Friday, May 27, 2005

What is a Moderate?

Based upon what happened in the Senate last week regarding the Fillibuster\Nuclear Option episode, I would say that a moderate is a spineless coward. They stand not on principle, but hide behind the facade of compromise, while dealing in self-serving actions and 30 second sound bites.

A moderate politician campaigns promoting one set of values and after being elected he/she operatesquite contrary to those same values. They are the poster children for Elitism because the stop representing their constituients and start deal making to gain personal advantage with the media and the opposition.

They are the lowest form of political organisms because they stand for nothing, turn tail and run scared, and fail to do the one thing they were elected for--to represent the people who elected them.

I have said it before and I will say it again, the Republicans could learn a lot from the Democrats, who have done a tremendous job of unifying their party. They may be on the wrong side of most issues, but they have this political unity thing down pat. They put party unity before personal principles, which has provided them with significant power eventhough they are the minority. Hell, they act like they are in the majority! But, who could blame them when they can see that the Republicans don't know how to be the majority?

Until the next election, the Democrats will stall legislation, stall confirmations and continue to demonize the Republicans in their trek to the White House in '08. The Republicans have effectively turned off the base and in some cases split them. The '06 mid-term elections will bring the Dems back into the majority and then those moderates will get what they deserve--a liberal courthouse named in their honor.......sigh.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Historical Minuteman Posted by Hello

NoLand Security

KFI 640 AM, Los Angeles is reporting that, according to the Washington Times, BORDER PATROL AGENTS TOLD TO ‘STAND DOWN’ during the month-long vigil of the Minuteman Project along the Arizona border in April. Full Story:

This is not particularly surprising considering the "Do-nothing Doctrine" of the Bush Administration when it comes to illegal immigration. What is surprising is that only one political icon has decided to take up the banner for securing the borders and reforming illegal immigration, and it is no other than the smartest woman in the world-- Hilary Clinton.The former First Lady demonstrated keen political savvy when, during a speech last Monday, she lambasted the current administration's lack of action on the border issue and tossed another salvo into the waters of button issues for the '08 presidential election.

The Republican's are conspicously silent about illegal immigration, not willing to pit their individual political futures on the line in order to do the things necessary to secure the border. Namely, taking on the Hispanic special interest groups who will certainly label any Republican sponsor of legislation, racist. For Mrs. Clinton, this is actually a safe issue because these same groups tend to support her views on many social issues and would look to her for reciprocation should she actually become the next President of the United States.

With the lack of spine currently demonstrated by the RNC, this single issue may just propell Mrs. Clinton to the Oval Office. The RNC isn't listening to its base, yes we want judges, but they need to be able to chew bubble-gum and walk at the same time. Passing the Real ID legislation is not enough, especially here in California. The need to seize this issue and initiate some real action on the border or, mark my words, they will not have a majority in '08.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Cartoon Courtesy of Nick Anderson, Kentucky -- The Louisville Courier-Journal

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Wrong Again

Once again the LA Times demonstrated today why their subscription and readership is way down. In today's editorial, they couldn't help but show their asses and lack of comprehension of history.

They criticized President Bush's comments during his trip to Georgia, basically saying that the President was pissing off Russia by encouraging Georgia to aspire to join NATO. The Times feels that we shouldn't do anything to make Putin upset because we need to coddle a high level of respect for Russia. Moreover, we shouldn't publically support Georgia in its pursuit for liberty and freedom because Russia will get mad, and then they won't help us in situations around the world.

You know what this is? The is the Liberal Left demonstrating how sorry they are that Russia LOST the Cold War! They hate the fact that the U.S. is the lone superpower in the world, they hate the fact that capitalism works and they hate the fact that the current method for exporting freedom and democracy is working without their direction. Even more so, they hate the fact that Ronald Reagan was right in challenging the Soviet Empire and predicting their collaspe.

These same kooks would gladly hand over the sovereignty of this great nation over to the United Nations in order that they could level the playing field among all nations of the world. They want to apologize to the rest of the world for our own prosperity and success. How backwards can you get?

This kind of backwards thinking must be fought tooth and nail. We shouldn't apologize to Russia for defeating Communism, we shouldn't cater to dictators and we especially shouldn't compromise our principles, which have made us the greatest society in the history of mankind.

We have always been a generous and helpful nation. We feed and shelter more people around the world, through foreign aid and private contributions, than any other nation. No apologies. Yes, we have made mistakes, but the good Lord has yet to grace us with his personal presence here on Earth yet! We make restitution, contribution and distribution as needed and within our means.

Russia presently has serious problems and needs to lead the way to freedom in their hemisphere, but corruption and organized crime has a firm foothold in the public domain. The Russian people have been dominated by Czars and Communism for so long, they don't readily grasp the true concepts of self-determination because fear of suppression of individual initiative is constantly on their minds. Therefore, publically supporting Georgia will only further their quest for liberty and freedom and inspire Russia to continue with the reforms it so desperately needs to implement in order to be a credible member of leading nations.

The LA Times is dead wrong, they should be ashamed, but elitists never are.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Illegal Immigration & Jobs

Today as I read the Opinion section of the LA Times (I gotta find a new newspaper), many so-called readers wrote in to support the "long held tradition" of immigration. Half way through I wanted to puke! I don't know how much more of this garbage I can take! How many times must they keep saying that American citizens don't want to do the jobs that illegals are currently doing?

Lets be honest here....not every America citizen is cut out to be a Fortune 500 executive. We have millions of citizens who have not finished high school, can't read and subsist on public assistance. If the jobs that they supposedly don't want paid even minimum wage, many of these citizens would be happy to take on many of these jobs.

Yet, it is the politicians, i.e. Maxine Waters, who are telling these citizens that they don't want these jobs.

Every day I see American citizens standing with the illegals on corners hoping to get a days work, and they are working for sub-standard wages, so in my opinion, their argument doesn't hold water.

These jobs could typically be the stepping stone to the next level of employment for many Americans. Working these so-called unwanted jobs could allow them to develop at least some marketable skills, at the very least, learning how to be dependable, reliable and gain references.

We have high school students every summer who would love to get a summer job, but can't because there is some illegal taking up a space that they could readily fill should the opportunity be present. Consequently, many of them spend their summers learning how to be lazy, getting into trouble or playing video games 24/7. I know....I've seen them and you probably have too. Maybe our kids need some menial hard-labor jobs! I contend that this type of work built the character of our nation and made it the power it is today, thus, we can't just minimize the importance of it to the youth of this country.

So to all of the elitists who keep repeating the myth that Americans do not want these jobs....come take a ride with me on any give day and I will show you exactly what I am talking about! Shame on you!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Pope Benedict XVI Posted by Hello

Pope calls for "Responsible Reporting"

In a Sunday blessing from his apartment window in St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Benedict XVI called upon journalists to report stories responsibly.,2933,155833,00.html He continued saying that "the media can spread peace but also foment violence."

Also reported today is the resignation of Rev. Thomas Reese who was the editor for a U.S. Catholic magazine known as "The American." (Live video: Reese apparently wrote or allowed pieces into the magazine that ran contrary to church teaching, such as gay marriage and stem-cell research. Obviously this move has angered many liberal U.S. Catholics, prompting one news service to indicate that the Catholic Church is "at war with itself."

This is funny to me, because no one is forced to be a Catholic, that IS a matter of CHOICE. The arrogance of the liberals is ridiculous, they seem to believe that the moral tenets of the Church are maleable to fit the political and cultural views of the flock. What it comes down to is that they don't want to be judged, not by man, nor by God.
Jesus' teachings span the centuries and are eternal and are not to be corrupted by the flock, they are supposed to provide a moral guide to living until He returns.

Yes, there is a war, but it is not within the Catholic Church. It is a fight between good and evil...AS FORETOLD BY THE PROPHETS! The war is clearly evident in the U.S. where the rhetoric and legal battles between the Left and Christian Conservatives are actively fought each day. With the word WAR being tossed around so loosely by the media, one can only wonder how long it will be until there is actual conflict?

Cal Border Police Initiative Website

Check it out here:

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

California Border Patrol

Something is finally afoot here in California! Out of the rumor mill comes talk of starting an initiative to create the state's own Border Patrol to aument the job currently being done by the U.S. Border Patrol. From what I understand, this will take a measure by the CITIZENS of California at the ballot box, but an initiantive must be presented along with the necessary amount to signatures to get on the ballot. Stay tuned.....

Real I.D.

Attached to the new Military Spending Bill that is getting a vote on the House floor tomorrow is legislation that will require states to ask motorists for more identification documentation when applying for a drivers license. This is a direct result of the findings from the "blue-ribbon" 9/11 Commission. What is strange about this is that the Left has opposed all prior attempts to get this bill p;assed, but now, without even demanding changes or threatening to filibuster, they are expected to vote to pass it into law.

California Nuts

California State Senator Gil Zedillo is reportedly sponsoring a bill that will prohibit law enforcement from impounding the vehicles of motorists without drivers licenses. This is the same guy who REALLY wants to give illegal aliens drivers licenses. I wonder if he has considered running for office south of the border?

California Nuts II

I feel real sorry for the Governator, the left is beating the crap outta him on the tube. They are making claims about him cutting education(untrue), allowing special interest groups to write legislation(without naming a single group), and calling him racist and anti-immigrant(duh! the guy is an immigrant!). Yet none of this stuff is new, nor unexpected, it is right out of the same old play book. Democrats scare people! That is why they can't win, except in the blue states where most socialists live. What gets my goat is that the Gov and the Republican party in California are off message and worse than that, they are not on the same page.

Consequently, they are not fighting back effectively and have come out with some lamo commercials with the Gov pleading for the electorate to help him change things. However, he has compromised on so much of the agenda he laid out in his State of the State address, that many who supported him before are sitting and waiting to see if he can get down and dirty. Conservative VOTERS like fighters!

He really needs to sh*t or get off the pot. His poll numbers are tanking and his handlers are giving him rotten advice. Arnold is best when Arnold is Arnold. His strength is not politics, it is communicating a common sense theme and that is where he is lost. He really needs to get rid of some of his entourage and advisers and get back on message.

Monday, May 02, 2005


For all of you fellow STAR WARS fans, STAR WARS: Episode III Revenge of the Sith opens May 19, 2005. This is the third and final installment of the STAR WARS prequel. Hopefully, all fanatic questions will be answered and this saga can be put to rest. Don't miss it!

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