Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Intellectual Dishonesty

Why is truth the first victim in public debate? The Dems and the extreme/radical Left along with the Liberal media have all taken to calling President Bush a liar and claiming that he misled the American people when he led our nation to war in Iraq. Gee, I thought that they were the smartest people in the crowd and to openly admit that they were misled is a stinging admission that maybe they ar not so smart after all. But then again, one man's lie is another man's reality.

What this all boils down to is power, the Libs are gearing up for the '06 mid-term elections and they believe that if they say the same things over and over, regardless of its truthfulness, it will via repetition become true. Good luckm because if I, your regular "more than just an average Joe"can figure this out, then I am sure that there are a few million others out there who have figured it out as well.

However, with the results of the recent elections in California, this repetition may actually be more effective than I give it credit. We had some very good initiatives on the ballot to start the reform on California government. But the unions got together early and defined Arnold as a wannabe dictator and all of the initiatives went down in defeat.

This is an excellent lesson for the Republicans. By not responding early and taking the offensive on issues, they allow the opposition to plant images into the consciousnrss of the electorate that over time becomes impossible to overcome. This tactic is what is currently being employed on the issue of the what led us to war.

I think the President reacted far to late to the claims of the opposition to now turn the tide in his favor, I believe that, true or false, the general public believes these claims. Now starting from behind, Bush will have to get the GOP machine in gear and start campaigning now for '06 or the Republicans will surely face an unprecedented defeat.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

No WMDs in Iraq....LMAO

Not reported in the mainstream news, is the story of WMDs found in Iraq and the reasons they haven't been reported: "WMDs Found in Iraq,, Nov 9, 2005, Human Events Online (Thanks Matt Drudge).

Congressional Republicans Stray

During my two week hiatus, I was able to take a good look at the current state of the Republican Party. What I have discovered is that after successess in 2000 and 2004, the Republicans have demonstrated that they are not very interested in serving the wishes of their base constituency.
Lately, they seem more interested in spending us into oblivion, including President Bush who seems to have not yet met a bill which he didn't like.

They also seem unable to agree on a united and vigorous response to the attacks made by Democrats regarding the war, intelligence leaks and Tom Delay's legal troubles. Just like in California (ask Arnold Schwarznegger), they are allowing the Democrats to define them and to set the national discussion.

This bodes ill for the Republicans in 2006. Instead of adhering to Conservative principles, i.e. tax cuts, strong national defense, strong borders and small government, they are hell bent on proving that they are no different than the Democrats.

We, the base, are damn sick and tired of being railroaded by the minority party. When is Sen. Frist going to wake up and realize that the opposition does not play fair? When is the GOP National Commitee going to realize that they must MAINTAIN an energized base?

All of these difficiencies are a reflection of leadership and right now we as a party are sorely lacking in that department. We always seem to be reactionary, instead of being constantly on the offense. With Delay and Karl Rove effectively out of the picture, which is also our own fault, other talented individuals must step up to the plate to fill the void.

Finally, I am very concerned that when 2006 rolls around, the GOP will behind that eight ball
in reinvigorating the base. They need to clean up the mess they have created and take control of the national agenda. Hurry boys, times awastin!

Political Overload

I had to take a few weks of to recharge. With the Proposition Wars out here in California, I was bombarded with way too much negative campaigning, thus, I had to take a little break and take a good look at what the fight is all about.

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