Thursday, December 29, 2005

Let's Get One Thing Straight

Time and time again I get responses that accuse me of spouting off crap that I get from FOX News. First off, let me state that I have neither satellite nor cable TV. I refuse to pay for 300 channels of crap when I can only watch one at a time. Secondly, except for the local news which I watch every night at 10:00, I get 50% of my news off the Internet and 50% frome the (sic) LA Times (I can't believe that I even admit that). So lets knock off the " Stop spouting the Faux, Focks, Fucks, Fax News" garbage.

I used to watch CNN, MSNBC and network news, but all they do is report according to the DNC agenda. For example, they are all over Tom Delay and his legal troubles, but what happened to the Sandy Berger affair? How come no one is calling for an investigation into who leaked the info about the NSA wiretapping? This non-reporting happens ALL of the time and there is no denying it. The mainstream media reports what IT wants to report and not what is NEEDED. Nuff said!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

No! No! No! You won't be getting any "Happy Holidays" crap on my blog! I celebrate Christmas and don't feel the need to acknowledge any other seasonal celebrations and don't expect non-believers to wish me the same, a polite "Thanks" would be adequate, no big deal!

Also, thank you to the Democratic Party who are doing their level best to convince Americans that the Bush Administration and the Republican Party are not doing anything to keep the country safe despite the evidence to the contrary. They can not see how they are truly disrespectful the intelligence of the American electorate, "Just because you say it is so doesn't make it so!" 2006 should be a great election year for Conservatives.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Democratic Party Cracking Up

It has been an amazing week for the Dems, first they try to "mop up" the Murtha "Call for immediate troop withdrawal," then they have to alienate Sen. Joe Lieberman for his comments supporting the current course of the war, now we have Dem. Chairman Howard Dean and Sen. John Kerry claiming that we can't win the war and that our troops are terrorizing Iraqi women and children in the night. What is with these guys?

It is bad enough that they don't support the war effort, but to make up stuff to scare the American public and demoralize the troops is just plain unconscionable. Go to to see the Howard Dean video.

As a former Democrat, it is sad for me to see this once proud party degenerating into the cesspool it has become. All they want is power, at any cost, even at the cost of the lives of U.S. soldiers. All they do is complain and criticize, they have no positive message, they have no plan and they have no solutions.

If you listen to the network and cable media, you would think that they've got it all together and are ready to take over in '06, but at the rate they're going, all I can see is them losing seats. They are a joke.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

And They Still Don't Get It...

President Bush delivered a clear and concise speach on Tuesday regarding the Iraq war in an attempt to answer his critics and reassure the American people that we are making great progress in the war effort.

However, the Liberals and the rest of the Democratic party could not comprehend the strategy, eventhough it was somple and well presented. All they could focus on was the typical "its not enough" and "he isn't being straight" tactics that they typically resort to when they have nothing of consequence to offer as alternatives.

Read the speach:

What a pathetic political party the Dems are now, they have been hijacked by the extreme Left wing, which is why they are losing membership and elections.

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